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Rote Memorization

…is the most powerful learning technique in the world.  Whether you know it or not, you use it everyday.  At one time, the letters, which form words, which from sentances, which form ideas of this and every article was unknown to you.  Every child is taught language from the bottom up in this fashion.  Endless repetition of these skills has brought you to the point you are today, where reading is effortless.  There are many places  in the world, even today, where this is not the case.

Reading, writing and arthimetic are taught in this manner.  It is no coicidence that these skills are retained the longest.  When a man’s death is upon him, his body broken, his mind wasted, he will still be able to speak and to write.

Success layers upon success, like a wedding cake.  The higher a person’s level of education, the higher the level of information that has been “grandfathered” in.  The level of knowledge that may be assumed is a good indicator of what level a man is operating at.  At universities, it’s assumed that the knowledge of high school has been masted.  In graduate school, the knowledge of the undergraduate degree is assumed.  And so on; there are many examples of this, at this site we have assumed that all of our readers know about interracial crime, immigration, and the Jews.

The key to knowledge is endless repetition.  In any person’s day there is sure to be marshmallow time; time when one is idle or forced to wait, at the checkout line for intance.  That is a good time to practice your area.  It could be walking from place to place.  A very good thing for a chemist to memorize is the periodic table.  He should have a picture of it in his mind.  With this simple table, one may derive nearly everything else one might wish to know.  There are only 118 elements.  My technique was to name an element for every step as I walked somewhere: Hydrogen, (step), Helium, (step), Lithium, etc.

There are an infinite number of examples where this technique can be used.  In card counting it is very important indeed!  If you are wrong, you lose money, which is a great incentive.  Card counting is built upon a sequence: mastering basic strategy, learning card values, keeping a running count, playing variations, and finally bet variations.  Every level is built upon the previous level.  It must become so easy that it’s like breathing or walking, instinctual.

The military and the police use this method as well.  Speed, surprise, superiority, simplicity, safety.  They use it in their movement and firing drills.  It is the method of kings; things like insight and understanding depend upon having a very firm base.

White nationalism is moving in the direction of white communities and training superior men.  If we are going to claim the title, we must become worthy of being the master race, the most supreme.  The method of rote memorization can take us quite far in that direction.  We must become more than human and we must operate at a higher level.  The true white supremecist must put himself throught the fires to purify himself and eliminate the dross.  I found this quote on another nationist site and it does a great job of summarizing modern WN:

“The mind is my primary weapon, so I keep it sharp. The body is my temple, so I keep it strong. The soul is my essence, so I keep it pure.”

  1. December 24, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    This is a great post. I also use every second of my time instead of vegging out. With smart phones now one can be reading scientific tutorials while they walk to the store or wait for a shuttle.

    In a car, one may utilise books on tape during their commute.

    I also like your emphasis on memorization. It has become in vogue to dismiss memorization in favor of educational gimmicks. “Learning should be fun!” is the mantra for ADD America. To really achieve a high level of understanding in any field, one must put down the fun and pick up the book.

    I do a lot of the same types of exercises when I walk with my son as you describe. I quiz him on atomic structure or cell structure as we walk.

    • Ryu
      December 24, 2011 at 8:10 pm

      It’s fun after you’ve learned the material and can show off a bit. Then it’s great fun! But before that is the pain period.

      Is it worth it having an Iphone? I’ve seen the utilty of them, but a friend mentioned a tracking program on it, does this concern you?

      • December 24, 2011 at 11:01 pm

        Tracking doesn’t concern me. I don’t think that the government wants to kill me. That could change, but life is all about probabilities. The chance that I could learn from watching a Stanford lecture on Biology on youtube from my bberry or iphone is a 100% probability. The chance that the FBI is going to use my phone’s GPS to roll up on me and incarcerate or shoot me is not zero perhaps, but I believe it’s a pretty low probability. If I was on the run, I’d ditch the phone for sure. They say the best way to ditch a phone is to leave it at a train station so that someone steals it and takes it a long way in the wrong direction.

    • December 24, 2011 at 11:07 pm

      The best way to track you is by following and wire tapping your family. That’s how they catch fugitives. Everyone eventually wants to talk to their mother or sister or child or old friend and then they catch them.

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